Busse campaign launches gianfortax.com to collect and deliver comments to jet-setting Gov

WHITEHALL, Mont. – Ryan Busse’s campaign today launched a new website to collect comments from Montanans fed up with paying Governor Greg Gianforte’s soaring residential property taxes.

The website gianfortax.com provides frustrated Montana taxpayers an online forum to sound off on Gianforte’s record property tax hike on homeowners and renters. Through the website, Montanans can send their comments and concerns about Gianforte’s tax hike, which Busse will collect and hand-deliver to Gianforte’s office in the Montana State Capitol.

Gianforte, a private jet-flying billionaire, famously ignores Montanans. He refuses to meet with them in publicly noticed, open meetings and usually limits his rare media interviews to friendly outlets.

“Montana Republicans across our state are giving me an earful about how P-Oed they are over Greg Gianforte’s scheme to raise their home property taxes so he can give breaks to the wealthy and corporations,” Busse said. “The least Gianforte can do is show them a little respect, but he won’t because he thinks he’s the smartest person in the room. So I’ll make it easy for him to get the feedback from Montanans he ought to hear.”

In 2020, gianfortax.com was used to highlight then-candidate Gianforte’s support for a statewide sales tax in Montana.

“The best solution…would be to replace the current income and capital gains rate with a sales tax,” Gianforte once told Montana legislators. “And I know that there are a few political issues and constitutional issues, but I didn’t think I’d be fair in coming here and not saying that I believe that is the ideal solution.”

Ryan Busse is a former firearms executive who lives in Kalispell. Busse launched his candidacy to replace Gianforte on September 14.

Busse for Governor Antler RB brand logo


  • Pronunciation: Ryan BUSS’-ee
  • Home: Kalispell, Mont.
  • Office Sought: Governor of Montana
  • Affiliation: Democrat
  • Website: busseformontana.com
  • X (Twitter): @ryandbusse
  • DOB: 2/23/70 (53)
  • Occupation: Writer, Consultant, Firearms Expert and Former Executive (Vice President of Sales, Kimber America: 1995-2020)
  • Family: Married to Sara for 24 years; two sons: Lander (18) and Badge (15)
  • Alma Mater: Bethany College (Kansas)
  • Chevy Odometer: 280,000 miles
  • Hunting Dogs: Aldo and Teddy
  • Bio: Ryan Busse is an author and former firearms executive who helped build the gun company Kimber from Kalispell between 1995 and 2020. Over his 25-year career Busse directed the sales of nearly three million Kimber firearms. His memoir, Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry that Radicalized America, was published by PublicAffairs (Hachette) in 2021. Busse was born near the Kansas cattle ranch homesteaded by his great-grandfather. He is an avid hunter, angler and champion of public lands, and has held leadership positions with Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and Montana Conservation Voters. Busse and his wife Sara live in Kalispell and have two teenage sons.